DM Plant
We are a leading DM Plant Manufacturer in Ludhiana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir as well as Himachal Pardesh, Uttar Pardesh, Bihar etc.
The raw water passes successively two columns namely Cation & Anion Exchanger. The Cation Exchange column contains strongly acidic resin in hydrogen form. All the dissolved solids causing hardness such as calcium, magnesium etc. are exchanged with H and get converted in corresponding. The acidic effluent is the passed through the Anion Exchange column wherein the anion resin in hydroxyl (OH)- from retains the bicarbonate, chlorine and sulphate ions, producing water equivalent to distilled water. After predetermined quantity of water passed through the demineraliser, all the resins contained in both columns get exhausted and require regeneration. The cation is regenerated with hydrochloric acid and anion resin with sodium hydroxide (caustic soda).